COMING SOON - A Global Marketplace for Businesses, Individuals & Communities. EVERYBODY SHOULD HELP EVERYBODY.
Golocallee, a Global online Trading/Community ‘MARKETPLACE’ where RETAILERS, BUSINESSES & INDIVIDUALS may trade from Golocallee shopfronts. Registrants will support the Community & allows the sale of GOODS, SERVICES, ADVERTISING, etc & they keep 100% of profits, less a small % quarterly 'GIVE-BACK' fee for the Community.
Additionally, 100% profits from GOLOCALLEE SHOP SALES (after website Overheads), will go back to partaking Communities via the quarterly GIVE-BACK scheme to make 'LOCALS' even richer! Golocallee Trading Marketplace ’Power House’ platform will become the 'glue' between businesses & Communities. Traders will have their GLOBAL reach, but in contrast, may also forge Community relationships to be a part of the 'Local' plan. The new found BOND 'formulation' between businesses & communities will help our spirit of 'coming together'. Let’s find a way to work, build & play together LOCALLY to better Communities so the £multi-millions generated by online commerce ultimately rewards the local people, not just deep pockets.
BEWARE: websites/people pretend to help...but actually ‘take’ the riches from people! GOLOCALLEE WILL GIVE-BACK THE RICHES & BOND BUSINESSES WITH COMMUNITIES!
Golocallee partnerships building will foster close relationships between Traders & Communities. All products & services will generate profits where traders will benefit more but GOLOCALLEE SHOP SALES profits will go back to the Community quarterly; via the 'GIVE-BACK' system - Golocallee Accounts will be open to the public. That way, wealth will go back into developing & building local projects so we may have a better, happier & more 'prosperous' society. We need to improve lives by 'sharing' the wealth. Golocallee.com Shopping, Services & Community website will also provide Make Money Online (MMO) opportunities, activities, FORUMS, blogs, education to learn & trade, restaurant ordering / take-aways, jobs board & much more! Let us build a world-wide business TOGETHER so the money distribution benefits THE PEOPLE & COMMUNITIES also! Please support Golocallee.com (once launched) to provide 'your' Community ‘GIVE-BACK’! Thank you & Coming Soon...Lee
PS: If you can help me get this project launched in any way :) or help manage it...please let me know. I will train you FREE. Contact Lee: info@golocalee.co.uk